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3 Benefits of Using Weightlifting Belts

3 Benefits of Using Weightlifting Belts
Posted on 27-2-2023 by Gorilla Wear

Weightlifting belts are a popular accessory in the gym. These belts are designed to provide additional support to the lower back during heavy lifting, and they can be an important tool for those who want to maximize their performance and minimize their risk of injury. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at weightlifting belts, including what they are, how they work, and the benefits of using them.

What Are Weightlifting Belts?
Weightlifting belts are essentially wide, thick belts that wrap around the waist and fasten securely. They are typically made from materials like leather or nylon, and they often feature a buckle or lever closure to keep them in place during exercise. Gorilla Wear offers a wide range of weightlifting belts with different materials, buckles, and widths.

The main purpose of a weightlifting belt is to provide additional support to the lower back during heavy lifting. When you lift heavy weights, there is a significant amount of pressure placed on the spine, and this pressure can increase the risk of injury. By wearing a weightlifting belt, you can help to reduce this pressure and provide support to the lower back, which can help to reduce the risk of injury.

Lifting Belts

How To Use Weightlifting Belts?
Weightlifting belts work by increasing the intra-abdominal pressure within the core of the body. This pressure helps to support the spine and stabilize the lower back, which can reduce the risk of injury during heavy lifting. To use a weightlifting belt, you'll want to fasten it securely around your waist, just above your hips. The belt should be tight, but not so tight that it restricts your breathing or movement.

Once the belt is in place, you'll want to take a deep breath and hold it as you lift the weight. This will help to increase intra-abdominal pressure and provide additional support to your lower back. They can be useful in a variety of exercises, including Squats, Deadlifts, and Barbell Rows.

Benefits of Using Weightlifting Belts
Weightlifting belts have several benefits, especially when lifting heavy weights. Here are a few of the most significant benefits:

  1. Reduced risk of injury: By providing additional support to the lower back, weightlifting belts help to reduce the risk of injury during heavy lifting.
  2. Improved performance: Because weightlifting belts help to stabilize the core, they can also help to improve your performance during heavy lifts. You may be able to lift more weight or perform more reps with a weightlifting belt than you would without one.
  3. Increased confidence: Wearing a weightlifting belt can also provide a psychological boost, helping you to feel more confident and secure during heavy lifting.

In conclusion, weightlifting belts can be a valuable tool for athletes who want to maximize their performance and reduce their risk of injury. By providing additional support to the lower back and stabilizing the core, weightlifting belts can help you to lift heavier weights safely and with greater confidence. Check out the best weightlifting belts here!

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