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Meet the athlete, Dennis James

Meet the athlete, Dennis James
Posted on 24-9-2019 by Gorilla Wear

Dennis James is a famous name in professional bodybuilding, competing in 7 Mr. Olympia yearly competitions. Winning the 4th place during the Mr. Olympia of 2003 is one of the highlights of his career as of IFBB Professional Bodybuilder. 

Dennis is respected for his dedication and down to earth mindset. His professional achievements are over 40 titles. It is not by chance that Dennis has been on the cover of world's most famous bodybuilding and fitness magazines such as FLEX. 

Still today Dennis James is active in anything that has to do with (professional) bodybuilding. He owns a supplement company called DJ Nutrition and is present as guest of chairman of the day at bodybuilding events. Besides that he helps people today as trainer/prep coach. 

Weight: 225 - 265lbs (115.7 - 120.2kg)
Height: 5’8’’ (172.5cm)
Year of birth: 1966
Nationality: German/American
Profession: Retired IFBB Professional Bodybuilder

Professional Results
- 1993 NABBA Mr. Universe, Medium-Tall, 4th
- 1994 NABBA Mr. Universe, Medium-Tall, 2nd
- 1995 NABBA Mr. Universe, Medium-Tall, 1st
- 1996 NABBA Universe – Pro, 2nd
- 1997 NPC Junior Nationals, Light-HeavyWeight, 6th
- 1997 NPC Nationals, HeavyWeight, 4th
- 1998 NPC USA Championships, Super-HeavyWeight, 1st and Overall
- 1999 Night of Champions, 15th
- 2000 IFBB Arnold Classic, 4th
- 2000 IFBB Grand Prix England, 3rd
- 2000 IFBB Grand Prix Hungary, 3rd
- 2000 IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational, 7th
- 2000 IFBB Mr. Olympia, 11th
- 2000 IFBB World Pro Championships, 4th
- 2001 IFBB Arnold Classic, 3rd
- 2001 IFBB Grand Prix Australia, 2nd
- 2001 IFBB Grand Prix England, 3rd
- 2001 IFBB Grand Prix Hungary, 1st
- 2001 IFBB Mr. Olympia, 7th
- 2002 IFBB Arnold Classic, 7th
- 2002 IFBB Grand Prix England, 2nd
- 2002 IFBB Grand Prix Holland, 4th
- 2002 IFBB Mr. Olympia, 10th
- 2002 IFBB Show of Strength Pro Championship, 5th
- 2003 IFBB Mr. Olympia, 4th
- 2003 IFBB Show of Strength Pro Championship, 4th
- 2004 IFBB Mr. Olympia, 8th
- 2005 IFBB Charlotte Pro Championships, 2nd
- 2005 IFBB Mr. Olympia, 6th
- 2006 IFBB New York Pro Championships, 3rd
- 2006 IFBB Mr. Olympia, 9th
- 2006 IFBB Grand Prix Austria, 4th
- 2007 IFBB New York Pro, 2nd
- 2007 IFBB Colorado Pro Championships, 8th
- 2008 IFBB Tampa Bay Pro, 2nd
- 2008 IFBB Europa Super Show, 2nd
- 2009 IFBB Arnold Classic, 7th
- 2009 IFBB New York Pro Show, 2nd
- 2009 IFBB Tampa Pro, 1st
- 2009 IFBB  Europa Super Show, 1st
- 2009 IFBB Mr. Olympia, 14th
- 2010 IFBB Mr. Olympia, 11th
- 2012 IFBB Masters Mr. Olympia, 3rd

Favourite items:
- Wrist Wraps PRO - Black/Red
- Rockford Tank Top - Black
- Sheldon Workout Top - Gray

Instagram of Dennis James

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